So as I had mentioned before I am trying to honor the hair appointments I made for the year. I just don't think it is fair to to my hair dresser to just quit on him cold turkey. I really like Will so I'm just going to make it until the end of the year.
But anyway, as you can see from my last post, I went and got a flat iron yesterday at the salon and the funny thing is I feel weird. I'm not loving the way I look. After 3 weeks of curliness I'm not loving the straight look. If you had told me this a year ago I would have said you were crazy. So I think I have 5 more appointments to go. I couldn't be happier with this transformation
Sunday, November 6, 2011
First video blog!!! Length check
No self respecting hair blog can be complete without a length check! So here it is! Enjoy :)
Friday, November 4, 2011
A Magical Vacation!
...and this is why I didn't post sooner. After my work trip to New Orleans we packed up the family and went to Disney World! Most people would say it was too soon for a family trip there but we are not most people. We had a wonderful, or should I say magical, time at Disney.
"it's a small world" |
Yo Ho Yo Ho! |
We're kinda silly |
If you are ever planning a trip there October is the time to go. We did Halloween at the Magic Kingdom, bopped over to Universal to see Harry Potter (and get my fill of butterbear!!), and participated in the food and wine festival at Epcot. And as an added bonus scored the free meal plan. That alone made the the trip. We ate at sit down dinners in "France", Teppanyaki in "Japan", awesome sea food dinner at the living seas, tried foods from around the world as our snacks, and the list goes on. My son had a great time going on all the rides and although he may not remember this later I will. The look on his face when we went on "its a small world" made the whole thing worth it. Disney was great for little ones there were a lot of rides that he could go on with us.
So now, back to business right? How was the hair?? That's what this blog is about, right? Let me tell you, it was wonderful to be so carefree in Florida. Normally all the mist machines and water rides would be giving me anxiety but I was stress free. And that's how a vacation is supposed to be! And if I do say so myself , I looked good. I got compliments too!! One from some random guy at the Food and Wine festival. He said my hair was really pretty and he kept looking at it. I think what struck me about the comment was that it was from a stranger. I know that's silly but he didn't have to say anything. I spent most of the week in twist outs. I was rained on once but that didn't stop the fun. Just afro puffed it that day :) My only issue was with dealing with how dry I felt my hair got in the hotel at night. I remedied that by twisting my hair at night. I came across the same problem in the hotel at New Orleans the week before. I'm not sweating it but it may be something to think about if you're staying in hotel. I wore my satin cap but I was still pretty dry.
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Halloween at the Magic Kingdom! |
Breakfast with Tigger :) |
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Hogwarts!! |
Hope you enjoy the pics of my cutie!
Until next time!
New Orleans : Part Deux!
Soooo..... I'm a bit late with this post. Life has been a bit busy after I got back from NOLA. My trip was wonderful! I will definitely be back and bring the fam with me. I fell in love with the Muffeletta at Central Grocer and had my fill at Coops. I also enjoyed Frenchman Street. While on Frenchman I saw Eudora and Deep Soul play at Mojito's. They were great to listen to and let me tell you the lead singer's hair was fierce. I'll be striving for that :)
I went on a swamp tour and my guide caught a alligator. Ahhh New Orleans enchanted me and I'll be back!
I went on a swamp tour and my guide caught a alligator. Ahhh New Orleans enchanted me and I'll be back!
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Oops I blinked :) |
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Jonathan and I at the House of Blues |
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
New Orleans

I haven't taken a hair picture yet since I'm usually the one behind the camera. I should get on that and post it on here. So you can see if my hair likes the gulf air :)
Until next time.... All the best!
~ Thea
AW Moment.... Look what was in my room for my anniversary!!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
I recently added my blog to BlogLovin. Hopefully I can gain a little exposure that way. Here's to it working!!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
How to make a wash and go last
I was just wondering how to do make a wash and go last and then found a great video that I would like to share. It's from one of my favorite YouTubers, Naptural85. I can't wait to try this method!
Neglecting my blog
Dear Blog,
Please know that you have been on my mind. I think of you everyday. I even come up with great posts to put on you when I'm in the car but the MassPike sucks the life out of me and then I forget to post. Shame on me :(
With lots of love,
It's true friends, I have neglected my blog. I think of my best posts when waiting to get on the pike in front of the Best Buy store on Mass Ave. I can report that I am making some progress in my journey.
1. I don't like going to the salon anymore. If you know me this is huge! I love my freedom when I have no appointment. I no longer have a "what am I gonna do" feeling because I can do my hair myself. It's quite liberating. Why do I still go to the salon? Well, that's because I am a loyal customer and made a year's worth of appointments last November ( yeah, you read that right). I'm not looking to break up with my stylist and I think its not fair to book someone's time and then just not go. I have resolved to make few or no appointments when the new appointment book rolls out next year.
2. I got a twist out to last 4 days!! We had a bout of crazy humidity here in late August and I was rocking it. It was wonderful. I saw an old video on Natural Chica's YouTube that helped me out on the whole shrinkage thing. Thank you Mae for that!
Everything is coming together nicely. I am going to New Orleans for a conference next week and I know that no matter what I'm going to look and feel good :)
Next on my to do list: How to write a post that more people than just my husband will read?
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Shrinkage...Tee hee hee
Shrinkage - I'm sure everyone has it. I get reduced to a 14 year old boy when I say it lol. I'm not as mature as I would like to believe I am. Sometimes I am amazed at how much shorter my hair is when curly. When pressed my hair it near shoulder length but in a twist out its near my ears. I see that some people put it in a bun like then when they go to bed and their twist outs gain length the older the style is. I can't really get mine in anything. I'm not really sure how to maintain my style or gain any length. So if anyone out there has any ideas please send them my way.
Is anyone even there? Anyone? Crickets? Hermione?
Is anyone even there? Anyone? Crickets? Hermione?
Monday, August 22, 2011
Excuse me while I stand on this soap box
Why am I on this box? Well, I'm glad you asked cause I'm about to say it anyway. Today's rant is about hair types. You know the ones. Type 1 to type 4 hair and what it means. This typing of hair seems innocent and evil to me all at the same time. I'm totally new to this "natural hair" movement so I may be totally out of line but here it goes....
When I started to read blogs and watch YouTube videos on how to take care of your hair everyone was making mention to their particular hair type. I had no idea what anyone was talking about. So I started google-ing it. I found a chart on a forum and quickly decided that I must be a type 4. I read the descriptions of the subtype and couldn't for the life of me figure out what the difference was between 4a and 4b. So then I started looking up pictures and everyone and their mother was a 4a with sprinkles of 4b. They would show a picture of their 4a along side a 4b and frankly some of them looked the same to me. I went from thinking I was a 4a to thinking that I was a 4b but I totally was not seeing these z formations or whatever they were talking about. So I figured I must be a combo of them too. I understand that this classifcation system is a great way to find people with similar hair so you can do similar thigns to yours. As a way to help people it makes total sense. What didn't make sense was how everyone in cyber land was a 3c or a 4a
Here's where the "evil" part comes in. Everyone appears to want to be closest to the gold standard type 1 hair. Why is my hair type 4 anyway? Everyone wants their hair to have the easy curl that requires no manipulation to achieve. I think goes back to our unconscious quest to be part of the majority. This is probably why I had felt the need to flat iron my hair to have type 1 looking hair. The reason why keratin treatments are getting so popular.
But as I type this I can also see the other side of a possible argument. We all want what we don't have. Girls with curly hair want straight hair and girls with straight hair dream of curls. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
Ok, I'm getting off the box. I don't think I know what I'm talking about. I think I am only going to be concerned with myself and being me. Yeah, that's right people yourself! Erm.. ok I'm really getting down now
When I started to read blogs and watch YouTube videos on how to take care of your hair everyone was making mention to their particular hair type. I had no idea what anyone was talking about. So I started google-ing it. I found a chart on a forum and quickly decided that I must be a type 4. I read the descriptions of the subtype and couldn't for the life of me figure out what the difference was between 4a and 4b. So then I started looking up pictures and everyone and their mother was a 4a with sprinkles of 4b. They would show a picture of their 4a along side a 4b and frankly some of them looked the same to me. I went from thinking I was a 4a to thinking that I was a 4b but I totally was not seeing these z formations or whatever they were talking about. So I figured I must be a combo of them too. I understand that this classifcation system is a great way to find people with similar hair so you can do similar thigns to yours. As a way to help people it makes total sense. What didn't make sense was how everyone in cyber land was a 3c or a 4a
Here's where the "evil" part comes in. Everyone appears to want to be closest to the gold standard type 1 hair. Why is my hair type 4 anyway? Everyone wants their hair to have the easy curl that requires no manipulation to achieve. I think goes back to our unconscious quest to be part of the majority. This is probably why I had felt the need to flat iron my hair to have type 1 looking hair. The reason why keratin treatments are getting so popular.
But as I type this I can also see the other side of a possible argument. We all want what we don't have. Girls with curly hair want straight hair and girls with straight hair dream of curls. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
Ok, I'm getting off the box. I don't think I know what I'm talking about. I think I am only going to be concerned with myself and being me. Yeah, that's right people yourself! Erm.. ok I'm really getting down now
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Quick Twist Out - Success!
Hello everyone who may potentially be out there in cyber space!
It's been pretty humid around here so I decided to try out the twist out again. I used Shea Moisture's Organic Curl and Style Hair Milk and their Hold and Shine Mist. Both are part of their Coconut Hibiscus line. They were only $10 each at my local Walgreens. Can't really beat that and the reviews were great. I must say that I was pleased with the results especially seeing that I didn't really give my hair enough time to dry.
Here's what I did.... I got up pretty early this morning with the baby and decided a twist out was in order. I sectioned my hair into 4 sections - back, two sides, and the front. Then I started from the back and wet my section with the hold and shine, added the hair milk to the part I was about to twist, combed through, and twisted. I put roughly 4 twists in each of the sections. I should mention that I did this all on dry hair. I went about my business ( ie - ran behind the baby) and four hours later decided to take the twists out. The back was dry but I felt the middle was a little damp so I put on my my soft hair drier cap while I washed bottles. After I finished the dishes I took the twists out. Not too bad if I do say so myself. Just a little bit more practice and I'll be able to put the twists in quicker.
Here's a pic of my results
I thought it was kinda cute ;)
It's been pretty humid around here so I decided to try out the twist out again. I used Shea Moisture's Organic Curl and Style Hair Milk and their Hold and Shine Mist. Both are part of their Coconut Hibiscus line. They were only $10 each at my local Walgreens. Can't really beat that and the reviews were great. I must say that I was pleased with the results especially seeing that I didn't really give my hair enough time to dry.
Here's what I did.... I got up pretty early this morning with the baby and decided a twist out was in order. I sectioned my hair into 4 sections - back, two sides, and the front. Then I started from the back and wet my section with the hold and shine, added the hair milk to the part I was about to twist, combed through, and twisted. I put roughly 4 twists in each of the sections. I should mention that I did this all on dry hair. I went about my business ( ie - ran behind the baby) and four hours later decided to take the twists out. The back was dry but I felt the middle was a little damp so I put on my my soft hair drier cap while I washed bottles. After I finished the dishes I took the twists out. Not too bad if I do say so myself. Just a little bit more practice and I'll be able to put the twists in quicker.
Here's a pic of my results
I thought it was kinda cute ;)
Every Journey Begins With a Step
Welcome to my blog!
I started this blog to document my progress as I embrace my naturally curly hair. I have been "natural" for a long time. Most people wouldn't even know! My last relaxer was in January 2007. I was going to Miami to meet my then boyfriend's (now husband) family. My stylist and I had decided that that was going to be the last one. I was a little nervous but he assured me that I could continue to achieve my relaxed look with flat ironing. And I did! I wore a weave for a little bit wile I was on my exercise kick before my wedding and after the wedding I only wore my own hair. By that time it was as long as the weave had then. I knew I was addicted to my weekly salon sessions but I was ok with it. I was in and out of there in about an hour
I moved farther away from my salon in June of 2009. It made my visits a bit more time consuming but I was still able to work it out. Sometimes I would go after work or my husband and I would make a day trip out of it. But around this time I was not blind to see that my hair was starting to control my life and affect my plans
In November 2010, I had my son. He is my everything and as a result everything changed. A few days after delivering him I began to have night sweats ( I didn't even have this while pregnant!). A press and go girl cannot be sweating at night. So I decided to braid my hair during my maternity leave. During my leave I started finding YouTube videos on natural hair styles. These girls looked great. I'm not embarrassed to say I didn't even know what a braid out or a twist out was before this. I always like the way my hair looked after I had braids in it but i never thought that anyone did that on a regular basis. Dumb, I know! My little boy was born with a head full of hair and I wanted to know how to maintain it and maybe even manage my own. My own hair was suffering. It would look hot for a few days and then bam! not so hot. I also noticed that it was actually breaking a bit ( gasp) and as a result losing length.
So I took the plunge and tried a twist out. On a Thursday and figured it was going to have to work cause I had to go into the lab the next day. I am happy to say that I was quite pleased with the results. My coworkers loved it. I took a picture of it at the bathroom at work to see what my mom and sister thought. They like it too! But most importantly I liked it!!
I tried again a month later but the result wasn't as good. Beginners luck I suppose. But I decided I will persevere! I currently have hair appointments booked all the way to December (I told you I have a problem) and as of right now I plan to honor (most) of them. When the new book comes out on November to plan for the next year I will try to refrain from filling it up. In the coming months I need to learn hot to rock my fro and love my hair. I vow to post regular updates to keep myself accountable. I want to regain time, money, and myself. I don't even know my texture. I've never been a girly girl who can whip something up. I don't even like how a mirror is the opposite view ( lame huh) I comb the wrong way haha. In a years time I will know my hair. And if I even have a daughter she will know hers too.
Stay tuned!
I started this blog to document my progress as I embrace my naturally curly hair. I have been "natural" for a long time. Most people wouldn't even know! My last relaxer was in January 2007. I was going to Miami to meet my then boyfriend's (now husband) family. My stylist and I had decided that that was going to be the last one. I was a little nervous but he assured me that I could continue to achieve my relaxed look with flat ironing. And I did! I wore a weave for a little bit wile I was on my exercise kick before my wedding and after the wedding I only wore my own hair. By that time it was as long as the weave had then. I knew I was addicted to my weekly salon sessions but I was ok with it. I was in and out of there in about an hour
Relaxed Days |
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Miami 2007 |
My weave |
Relaxer Free |
I moved farther away from my salon in June of 2009. It made my visits a bit more time consuming but I was still able to work it out. Sometimes I would go after work or my husband and I would make a day trip out of it. But around this time I was not blind to see that my hair was starting to control my life and affect my plans
In November 2010, I had my son. He is my everything and as a result everything changed. A few days after delivering him I began to have night sweats ( I didn't even have this while pregnant!). A press and go girl cannot be sweating at night. So I decided to braid my hair during my maternity leave. During my leave I started finding YouTube videos on natural hair styles. These girls looked great. I'm not embarrassed to say I didn't even know what a braid out or a twist out was before this. I always like the way my hair looked after I had braids in it but i never thought that anyone did that on a regular basis. Dumb, I know! My little boy was born with a head full of hair and I wanted to know how to maintain it and maybe even manage my own. My own hair was suffering. It would look hot for a few days and then bam! not so hot. I also noticed that it was actually breaking a bit ( gasp) and as a result losing length.
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Admiring my length 2009 |
Me and my beautiful son |
Is this a braid out?? |
So I took the plunge and tried a twist out. On a Thursday and figured it was going to have to work cause I had to go into the lab the next day. I am happy to say that I was quite pleased with the results. My coworkers loved it. I took a picture of it at the bathroom at work to see what my mom and sister thought. They like it too! But most importantly I liked it!!
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Famed Bathroom Shot |
I tried again a month later but the result wasn't as good. Beginners luck I suppose. But I decided I will persevere! I currently have hair appointments booked all the way to December (I told you I have a problem) and as of right now I plan to honor (most) of them. When the new book comes out on November to plan for the next year I will try to refrain from filling it up. In the coming months I need to learn hot to rock my fro and love my hair. I vow to post regular updates to keep myself accountable. I want to regain time, money, and myself. I don't even know my texture. I've never been a girly girl who can whip something up. I don't even like how a mirror is the opposite view ( lame huh) I comb the wrong way haha. In a years time I will know my hair. And if I even have a daughter she will know hers too.
Stay tuned!
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