Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Orleans

I'm in the Big Easy this week for a work conference and I'm loving it! Its been a great change to get out of New England for a little while.  I must admit that so far I have done more sightseeing than work.  My coworkers and I have gone to Johnny's Po Boys, The Absinthe House, and Mother's. We also made our way to the Insectarium too. And of course Bourbon Street.  I'm just having a great time reconnecting with people in my field. The conference is taking us all to the the House of Blues at the end of the week. Should be a good time!
I haven't taken a hair picture yet since I'm usually the one behind the camera. I should get on that and post it on here. So you can see if my hair likes the gulf air :)

Until next time.... All the best!

~ Thea

AW Moment.... Look what was in my room for my anniversary!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I recently added my blog to BlogLovin. Hopefully I can gain a little exposure that way. Here's to it working!!


Saturday, October 15, 2011

How to make a wash and go last

I was just wondering how to do make a wash and go last and then found a great video that I would like to share. It's from one of my favorite YouTubers, Naptural85. I can't wait to try this method!


Neglecting my blog

Dear Blog,

Please know that you have been on my mind. I think of you everyday. I even come up with great posts to put on you when I'm in the car but the MassPike sucks the life out of me and then I forget to post. Shame on me :(

With lots of love,

It's true friends, I have neglected my blog. I think of my best posts when waiting to get on the pike in front of the Best Buy store on Mass Ave. I can report that I am making some progress in my journey. 

1. I don't like going to the salon anymore. If you know me this is huge! I love my freedom when I have no appointment. I no longer have a "what am I gonna do" feeling because I can do my hair myself. It's quite liberating. Why do I still go to the salon? Well, that's because I am a loyal customer and made a year's worth of appointments last November ( yeah, you read that right). I'm not looking to break up with my stylist and I think its not fair to book someone's time and then just not go. I have resolved to make few or no appointments when the new appointment book rolls out next year.

2. I got a twist out to last 4 days!! We had a bout of crazy humidity here in late August and I was rocking it. It was wonderful. I saw an old video on Natural Chica's YouTube that helped me out on the whole shrinkage thing.  Thank you Mae for that!

Everything is coming together nicely. I am going to New Orleans for a conference next week and I know that no matter what I'm going to look and feel good :)

Next on my to do list: How to write a post that more people than just my husband will read?